835 research outputs found

    Analyzing the Atmospheric Conditions that Caused Two Unexpected Tornado Events

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    On May 25, 2016 and July 7, 2016, two individual tornadic storms occurred near Chapman, Kansas and Eureka, Kansas. Neither of these tornadic storms was forecast to occur by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Storm Prediction Center (SPC). In this research project, data from several online sources were analyzed to identify the atmospheric conditions around the times and near the concerned areas where the tornadoes spawned. Identifying and understanding the causes of these tornadoes will help future meteorologists better predict possible tornadoes in the future. Data was obtained from meteorological maps of surface pressure, temperature, dew-point temperature, wind speed and direction at the surface and aloft, and atmospheric soundings from nearby weather balloon locations. Areas of low pressure, cold fronts, warm fronts, dry-lines were identified by the process of analyzing the meteorological maps. Other atmospheric conditions that lead to the organization of the thunderstorms related to the tornadoes were also analyzed; namely, instability, vertical wind shear, moisture, and causes for lifting of air. Afterwards the focus was to determine the severity of the thunderstorms and how the tornadoes formed; doing so allows for the tornadic environments to be analyzed. For the Chapman tornado, the interactions of a new storm that initiated on the western flank of the primary storm likely played a role in the intensity of the tornado at various points along its path. For the Eureka tornado, interactions with the surface warm front likely provided the storm with necessary boundary-layer vorticity to support the tornado

    Detection of Rotational Spectral Variation on the M-type asteroid (16) Psyche

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    The asteroid (16) Psyche is of scientific interest because it contains ~ 1% of the total mass of the asteroid belt and is thought to be the remnant metallic core of a protoplanet. Radar observations have indicated the significant presence of metal on the surface with a small percentage of silicates. Prior ground-based observations showed rotational variations in the near-infrared (NIR) spectra and radar albedo of this asteroid. However, no comprehensive study that combines multi-wavelength data has been conducted so far. Here we present rotationally resolved NIR spectra (0.7-2.5 microns) of (16) Psyche obtained with the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility. These data have been combined with shape models of the asteroid for each rotation phase. Spectral band parameters extracted from the NIR spectra show that the pyroxene band center varies from ~ 0.92 to 0.94 microns. Band center values were used to calculate the pyroxene chemistry of the asteroid, whose average value was found to be Fs30En65Wo5. Variations in the band depth were also observed, with values ranging from 1.0 to 1.5%. Using a new laboratory spectral calibration we estimated an average orthopyroxene content of 6+/-1%. The mass-deficit region of Psyche, which exhibits the highest radar albedo, also shows the highest value for spectral slope and the minimum band depth. The spectral characteristics of Psyche suggest that its parent body did not have the typical structure expected for a differentiated body or that the sequence of events that led to its current state was more complex than previously thought.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, published in The Astronomical Journa

    Polygon Intersection-over-Union Loss for Viewpoint-Agnostic Monocular 3D Vehicle Detection

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    Monocular 3D object detection is a challenging task because depth information is difficult to obtain from 2D images. A subset of viewpoint-agnostic monocular 3D detection methods also do not explicitly leverage scene homography or geometry during training, meaning that a model trained thusly can detect objects in images from arbitrary viewpoints. Such works predict the projections of the 3D bounding boxes on the image plane to estimate the location of the 3D boxes, but these projections are not rectangular so the calculation of IoU between these projected polygons is not straightforward. This work proposes an efficient, fully differentiable algorithm for the calculation of IoU between two convex polygons, which can be utilized to compute the IoU between two 3D bounding box footprints viewed from an arbitrary angle. We test the performance of the proposed polygon IoU loss (PIoU loss) on three state-of-the-art viewpoint-agnostic 3D detection models. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed PIoU loss converges faster than L1 loss and that in 3D detection models, a combination of PIoU loss and L1 loss gives better results than L1 loss alone (+1.64% AP70 for MonoCon on cars, +0.18% AP70 for RTM3D on cars, and +0.83%/+2.46% AP50/AP25 for MonoRCNN on cyclists)

    Recent Developments in Federal Income Taxation: The Year 2013

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    This recent developments outline discusses, and provides context to understand the significance of, the most important judicial decisions and administrative rulings and regulations promulgated by the Internal Revenue Service and Treasury Department during 2013 – and sometimes a little farther back in time if we find the item particularly humorous or outrageous. Most Treasury Regulations, however, are so complex that they cannot be discussed in detail and, anyway, only a devout masochist would read them all the way through; just the basic topic and fundamental principles are highlighted – unless one of us decides to go nuts and spend several pages writing one up. This is the reason that the outline is getting to be as long as it is. Amendments to the Internal Revenue Code generally are not discussed except to the extent that (1) they are of major significance, (2) they have led to administrative rulings and regulations, (3) they have affected previously issued rulings and regulations otherwise covered by the outline, or (4) they provide Dan and Marty the opportunity to mock our elected representatives; again, sometimes at least one of us goes nuts and writes up the most trivial of legislative changes. The outline focuses primarily on topics of broad general interest (to us, at least) – income tax accounting rules, determination of gross income, allowable deductions, treatment of capital gains and losses, corporate and partnership taxation, exempt organizations, and procedure and penalties. It deals summarily with qualified pension and profit sharing plans, and generally does not deal with international taxation or specialized industries, such as banking, insurance, and financial services

    Recent Developments in Federal Income Taxation: The Year 2007

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    This recent developments outline discusses, and provides context to understand the significance of, the most importnat judicial decisions and administrative rulings and regulations and promulgated by the Internal Revenue Service and Treasury Department during 2007- and sometimes a little farther back in time if we find the item particulary humourous or outrageous. Most Treasury Regulations, houever, are so complex that they cannot be dicussed in detail and, anyway, only a devout masochist would read them all the way through; just the basic topic and fundamental principles are highlighted. Admendmentsto the Internal Revenue Code generally are not dicussed except to the extent the (1) they are of major significance, (2) they have led to administrative rulings and regulations, (3) they have affected previously issued rullings and regulations otherwise covered by the outline, or (4) they provide Dana nd Marty the opprotunity to mock our elected representatives. The outline focuses primarily on topics of broad general interst (to the three of us, at least)-income tax accounting rules determination of gross income, allowable deductions, treatment of capital gains and losses, corporate and partnership taxation, exempt organizations, and procedure and penalties. It deals summarily with qualified pension and profit sharing plans, and generally does not deal with international taxation or specialized industries, such as banking, insurance, and finacial services. Please read this outline at your own risk, we take no responsibility for an misinformation in it, whether accasioned by our advancing ages or our increasing indifference as to whether we get any particular item right. Any mistakes in this outline are Marty\u27s responsibility; any political bias or offensive language is Ira\u27s; and any useful information is Dan\u27s

    Recent Developments in Federal Income Taxation: The Year 2012

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    This recent developments outline discusses, and provides context to understand the significance of, the most important judicial decisions and administrative rulings and regulations promulgated by the Internal Revenue Service and Treasury Department during the most recent twelve months - and sometimes a little farther back in time if we find the item particularly humorous or outrageous. Most Treasury Regulations, however, are so complex that they cannot be discussed in detail and, anyway, only a devout masochist would read them all the way through; just the basic topic and fundamental principles are highlighted - unless one of us decides to go nuts and spend several pages writing one up. This is the reason that the outline is getting to be as long as it is. Amendments to the Internal Revenue Code generally are not discussed except to the extent that (1) they are of major significance, (2) they have led to administrative rulings and regulations, (3) they have affected previously issued rulings and regulations otherwise covered by the outline, or (4) they provide Dan and Marty the opportunity to mock our elected representatives; again, sometimes at least one of us goes nuts and writes up the most trivial of legislative changes. The outline focuses primarily on topics of broad general interest (to the three of us, at least) - income tax accounting rules, determination of gross income, allowable deductions, treatment of capital gains and losses, corporate and partnership taxation, exempt organizations, and procedure and penalties. It deals summarily with qualified pension and profit sharing plans, and generally does not deal with international taxation or specialized industries, such as banking, insurance, and financial services. Please read this outline at your own risk; we take no responsibility for any misinformation in it, whether occasioned by our advancing ages or our increasing indifference as to whether we get any particular item right. Any mistakes in this outline are Marty\u27s responsibility; any political bias or offensive language is Ira\u27s; and Dan is just irresponsible
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